Market Results
- Day-ahead hourly priceShows for each hour of the selected day (hour 1 corresponds to period 1, from 00:00 to 01:00 CET): day-ahead market prices, total power purchased in the day-ahead market (demand + pumping consumption) and the power purchased solely by the demand. The text at the bottom of the page states, for the entire day, the total power purchased by demand + pumping in the day-ahead market and the average price of the hourly marginal price (see glossary)
- Aggregate supply and demand curves MIBELFor selected day, this report shows for each hour, the energy of the sales bids in every block in the day-ahead market, with the simple price, as well as the energy of the purshase bids in every block with the simple price. Appears on one or two graphs (one for each system) depending on wheater or not market splitting.
- Commercial capacities of exchanges by order after day-aheadFor selected day and interconnection, this reports shows available import/export capacity in every hour in the daily matching process for this day and interconnection, as well as import/export energy matched or assigned in bilateral contract executions in every hoir and interconnection, as well as the import/export capacity that could be assigned in future processes, considering the energy matched or assigned in bilateral contarct executions in an opposite direction.
- Commercial capacities of exchanges by order after technical constraintsFor selected day and interconnection, this reports shows available import/export capacity in every hour in the daily matching process for this day and interconnection, as well as import/export energy matched or assigned in bilateral contract executions, that has not been rejected in the technical constraints solution process, in every hoir and interconnection, as well as the import/export capacity that could be assigned in future processes, considering the energy matched or assigned in bilateral contarct executions in an opposite direction, that has not been rejected in the technical constraints solution process.
- Hourly power by technologiesShows, for each hour of the chosen day, the power assigned in the base operating schedule by the diverse production units grouped according their to their technology or origin. The information of the estimate of the Portuguese renewable programming is published once the disaggregation of real production of REN has been received.
European Intraday (IDAs)
- Intraday priceShows, for each hour of the selected day, within the horizon of the selected intraday market session: the session prices and the power traded during the session. At the foot of the table the following information is shown for the entire day: the power traded during the session and the average of the hourly marginal prices registered during the session.
- Power in intraday by unit typeIt shows, for each hour of the chosen day within the horizon of the chosen session of the intraday market and for the Spanish and Portuguese electricity systems, the breakdown of the energy sold and the energy purchased for each type of technology.
- Aggregate supply and demand curvesFor the selected day, this report shows for each hour of the selected session, the graph of the offered and matched energy of all the offers in the intraday market in each section of the sale and purchase offers. One or two graphs will be shown (one for each system) depending on if market splitting has occurred.
- Commercial capacities of intracommunaty and international exchanges by orderFor the last four hours of the session with hours in day D-1 in the intraday market, this report shows for each hour, the energy of the sales bids in every block in the intraday market, with the simple price, as well as the energy of the purchase bids in every block with the simple price.
Continuous Intraday
- Minimum, maximum and weighted average price per contractShows for each day, the minimum, maximum and weighted average price negotiated in all rounds of each hourly period (contract) in the continuous intraday market for each zone and the marginal price of the Day-ahead Market.
- Volume of energy purchase and sale per contractShows for each day, the volume of energy purchased and the volume of energy sold in all rounds of each time period (contract) in the intraday market for each zone.
- Capacity and occupation of import and export after the continuous intradayShows for the chosen day and interconnection, the import / export capacity available in each hour after the closing of the continuous market for that day and interconnection.
- Traded energy on the continuous intraday market by trading areaPresenta para el día e interconexión elegida, la capacidad de importaciónfexportación disponible en cada hora tras el cierre del mercado continuo para dicho día e interconexión.
- Intraday priceFor each hour of the chosen day, this report shows the final net power purchased in the market by spanish demand, as well as the average final hourly price.
- Power in intraday by unit typeFor each hour of the chosen day, this report shows the final net power purchased in the market by retailers (except last resort retailers) and market direct consumers, as well as the average final hourly price.
- Aggregate supply and demand curvesFor each hour of the chosen day, this report shows the final net power purchased in the market by reference retailers, as well as the average final hourly price.
- Commercial capacities of intracommunaty and international exchanges by orderFor each hour of the chosen day, this report shows the components breakdown of the average final price paid by retailers (except last resort retailers) and market direct consumers. The last two rows show the average final hourly price and the final net power purchased by them.
Average final prices
- Average final price - Total Spanish demandShows, for each hour of the selected day, within the horizon of the selected intraday market session: the session prices and the power traded during the session. At the foot of the table the following information is shown for the entire day: the power traded during the session and the average of the hourly marginal prices registered during the session.
- Average final price - Free marketIt shows, for each hour of the chosen day within the horizon of the chosen session of the intraday market and for the Spanish and Portuguese electricity systems, the breakdown of the energy sold and the energy purchased for each type of technology.
- Average final price - Reference RetailersFor the selected day, this report shows for each hour of the selected session, the graph of the offered and matched energy of all the offers in the intraday market in each section of the sale and purchase offers. One or two graphs will be shown (one for each system) depending on if market splitting has occurred.
- Final price components - Total Spanish demandShows for the day, session and interconnection chosen, the import/export capacity available in each hour in the market matching process for the selected day, session and interconnection, as well as the import/export energy that has been matched in the Day-ahead and intraday markets or assigned to the execution of bilateral contracts, and has not been withdrawn in the process of solving technical restrictions, in each hour and interconnection, as well as the import/export capacity that could be matched in subsequent processes considering the matched energies or executed in bilateral contracts in the opposite direction that have not been withdrawn in the process of solving technical restrictions.
- Final price components - Free market------
- Final price components - Reference Retailers------
- Hourly adjustment mechanism price of consumers in the market------
- Energies, economic volumes and settlement prices at facilities covered by the REER (average data)------
- Surplus/Deficit passed on to purchasing units. Hourly price passed on to the acquisition units by the REER------
The requested report has not been published yet. It will be available today at 23:59.